
Hello to everyone!!!  This post is LONG overdue, and I’m so sorry about that.  I know all of you have been wondering if we got Dotty yet.  And the answer is….YES!!  We’ve been home for two weeks now from our training in Colorado.  We were there for two weeks learning all about Dotty, how to do detection work, and how to continue her training when we are at home.  When we were in Colorado we got to do something that the boys don’t remember ever doing…eating out at a restaurant!!  That was a foreign experience to them.  We also go to do a little sight seeing when we were there.  Garden of the Gods, the zoo, the cliff dwellings and the Dinosaur Resource Center.  Oh, I almost forgot, there was an old west ghost town too!  The boys just had a ball!  Tyler really liked the mountains there – much bigger than Aunt Ginny’s mountains are!

We got to meet some really neat families there who all have the same issues that we do.  I know it was a first for us to be in that situation where someone else knows and understands the life that we lead.  We made some great friends there.

Dotty traveled really well for the entire 900 miles home.  It was a long drive, but she did awesome!  (And there is NOT a lot of room on the seat of my truck between the boys’ booster seats!!)  She had some great puppy raisers to get her used to being in the car.

Since we’ve been home we’ve made many trips to town already:  grocery store, Wal-Mart, farm store, music therapy, Sunday School, the vet, and we were a star at the eye doctor!!  Dotty has found peanuts for us every trip we’ve made!  What a good girl!!  And for her “secondary” job, she has been such a calming affect for Toby, we’ve never had such good trips to the store before.  He’s doing so great with her.

Next is to start her training here at home.  I have a few more items to get to start doing that here at home, and then off we will go!!!

It’s been crazy getting unpacked and back into our routine.  With two dogs and two little boys, it’s never a dull or quiet moment at our house.  I’ve almost gotten done with the thank you cards.  I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone.  If I have, I’m really sorry, and it wasn’t intentional.  So, again, THANK YOU for all you have done for us!!!


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Dotty passed certification!!

Dotty passed her certification tonight!!!!!! We are so excited and happy!!

In the last few weeks we have gotten to “meet” through Facebook some more of the families who will be at our training in October. It’s been really great to get to know them before the class.

Thank you to everyone who has had ANY part in helping us get Dotty: money, auction items, time, prayers, spreading the word, and just thinking of us. In the months (and years) to come I will continue with this blog (but I might need to come up with another name – any suggestions are welcome!!) to show you how you have helped to change our lives!!!

Time to start packing!!!


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The Countdown Begins!!

Only 39 days before we leave to go and get Dotty!!!

School started yesterday for us, so it will take us a few weeks to get into the swing of things before we disrupt our schedule to leave for Colorado. I think that everyone will agree that it’s a good disruption to the schedule. And with the boys and I back in school time will FLY by and the next thing I know, it will be Friday night before we leave and I’ll still be packing my truck, wondering where the time went! Not to worry though, I’ve got a list started of everything that we’ll need to pack – and there’s no kitchen sink! (There will be one at the hotel we’ll be staying at!!!)

In all seriousness though, we’ve said it many times before, and we’ll say it many times in the future: Thank you for all the donations, support, prayers and kind words. We appreciate them all and we never could have done this on our own.

There are a few cool things that have happened since we started this journey that I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned before.

One family saw us on the news last February when KWWL ran our story; link here. It took a few months, but the mother looked me up and called. She also has a child with a severe peanut allergy. It’s been neat to have someone to talk to who faces the very same issues as we do. We both pray that someday there will be a cure for food allergies, but in the mean time, we do the best that we can. And Dotty is the best that we can do.

Another family has been inspired by Dotty as well. Remember, Dotty’s primary job will be her peanut detection but then she will also help Toby out with his autism. It’s very common for autistic kids/adults to have anxiety about new situations, crowded places, or settings where there is just plain sensory overload. Dotty’s personality will help Toby in those situations where there is just too much activity going on. Studies have shown that petting an animal helps a person relax and calm down. We’ll be teaching Toby to pet Dotty when he is in those instances where he is uncomfortable. This other family has a special needs child who is not autistic, but has anxiety very similar to autistic kids. Once they recognized what Dotty will be able to do for Toby, they started to research what a service dog can do for their child. They began the application process for a service dog last week.

Last January 25th when I made the call to Angel Service Dogs, I never in a million years would have believed that in eight and a half short months we would be getting a peanut detection dog for our son. Our Angels are looking out for us!!

There hasn’t been much to write to you about lately, sorry for that, but once we get Dotty, I plan to keep you updated and this same blog, and then we’ll have a lot more pictures!!!!!

We only have about $2,000 left to raise, so if anyone is wanting to get in that tax deduction, please think of us!!

Thank you!!
Katie, Troy, Toby and Tyler

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The Dog Days of Summer

Not much new to report.  Two months from now we will be at the start of our training class.  School starts in two and a half weeks for us, so summer is quickly coming to an end.  Then we’ll have just enough time to start getting into the school routine before we pack up for the 900 mile trip west.  At least we will be in school long enough to get LOADS of homework to take with us to work on!!

We have about $4000 left to raise for Dotty.  We are starting an on-line Mary Kay party, where 20% of the sales go to Angel Service Dogs in Dotty’s name.  Thanks to a great friend for helping us out with that!  Here’s the information from the beauty consultant:

Who I am:
I am Jeanne Coburn, a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, and a friend of Katie Resor. I am thrilled to be supporting the Resor family in the placement of their Angel Service dog, Dotty. The Resors are SO CLOSE to finishing their fundraising campaign to receive Dotty. I know that they will be so relieved when the required funds are raised and they can just focus on the adjustment of Dotty to their family and getting her “working”.
What I’m doing:
I am offering 20% of the sales of all online orders received between August 10th and August 20th to benefit the Angel Service Dog adoption of Dotty for the Resors!!!!
How you can help:
There are two ways for you to support this most important cause.
1)    Place an order on my personal website (www.marykay.com/jcoburn1)  for Mary Kay products between August 10th and 15th. All order receive FREE shipping throughout the continental United States (this is a Nationwide fundraiser!!). Pay with a credit/debit card through a secure server. 20% of your purchase price will go to the Angel Service Dog project for the Resor family!!!  When you reach the check out page of your order, please note in the comments box “Angel Service Dog” or “Resor family” so that I can give them the credit for your order.
2)    Forward this email today to at least 5 friends who do not know the Resor family, but know you. Orders can be received from and shipped to the 48 continental United States. Encourage them to order on my website to support this cause.  It is my wish that we can make this fundraiser go viral and provide the balance of the funds needed for the placement of Dotty by the end of August!!!

Thank you for your help and support!!! Every little bit helps!
Jeanne Coburn

We still have some change jars around our town.  Every time we check them we are thankful for the spare change that everyone has put into them.  You would be surprised how quickly that “pocket change” can add up!

We are starting to make a list of all the fun and cool things we’ll be able to see and do when Dotty is finally here.  So far:  bowling, the zoo, Living History Farms and Mall of America.  It’s almost overwhelming!  Pass along any ideas you have – please!

I hope everyone is enjoying the cooler weather (at least it’s much cooler here).  Thanks again for your help and support!

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Thank you to everyone for the success of our benefit lunch and silent auction!!  We spent all of Saturday cooking (my hands still smell like onions)!  The group of people we had to cook was so much fun.  It was great to get to meet some new people.  We worked hard Saturday, but everyone worked even harder Sunday!  We had great food – if you went home hungry it was your own fault!  There were great items for the silent auction.  The money will be counted in the morning.  I am confident that we raised enough money to get our matching funds.  Everyone was so generous.

So, again, thank you to everyone who helped:  cooks, clean-up crew, serving, setting up auction items, talking for me on the PA, collecting money, and the endless hours that were spent planning this.  We had many generous donations from friends and the community – Thank You!  And finally, for the prayers, support and donations, we thank you.

Our dates in October are getting narrowed down.  In two and a half months we’ll be in Colorado starting this new chapter in our lives.  All of you made that possible for us.

Thank you!

Katie, Troy, Toby and Tyler

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Horse Show

Today we got to enjoy the beautiful weather at a local horse show.  Not just any horse show!  The NEISCA Youth show that was raising money for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.  St. Jude’s is such a great cause and they do so such great work there.  The NEISCA Youth Club also wanted to help out our family.  What they did was so cool!!

A LONG time ago I showed horses with this saddle club, and it was neat to see some familiar faces there.  What a great group of people.  Very generous and very caring.  During the break the announcer talked about our family and why we were raising funds for an allergy alert dog.  (Thanks Judy – you did an awesome job!!).  Then a couple of very nice ladies and a young boy took off through the stands and trailers with Tyler, Toby and me in tow.  They were selling cupcakes for free-will donations!  They were a big hit!  We had to refill the trays several times before we made it back to where we started!!

Tyler had a baseball game, so we couldn’t stay for the whole day.  But it was just really a fun, heart-warming experience.  Several people had told us they heard about us on the radio.  One man was talking with Tyler about some more details of our fundraising…Tyler got stuck on our area code, so I had to help him out.  This man is going to make a few phone calls this week…and he would be in touch with me!  I know times are tough right now for everyone, but there are some truly great people out there.  And EVERY DOLLAR HELPS!

So, a HUGE “Thank You!!!” to everyone who bought cupcakes today!  Thank you to the lady that stayed up until 2 a.m. this morning making six dozen cupcakes for today.  And Thank You Kathy for thinking of us and helping us out today.  As she told me…today is about the kids (the Youth club, St. Jude’s, my boys, etc.), and if we can’t take care of and help our kids, we are all in trouble!  You are all angels in my book!

Thanks to everyone, and we’ll see you next year at the Youth Show…along with Dotty!!

Katie, Troy, Toby & Tyler

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Benefit Update, Plus More Info About Dotty

Hi Everyone!!

First, I want to let you know (for those of you who are local) that we have changed the date for our benefit and silent auction.  It happened that another family in town was also having a dinner and benefit at the same time, and we really wanted to have a great turnout for each family, so we changed ours.  It is now:  Sunday, July 31st from 11:30-1:30, and we’ll be serving lunch.  It’s still at St. Paul’s church in Waverly.  The silent auction will end at 1:30.  So, if you need something to do and want some great food…come on out!  (And you could even make it home for the end of the NASCAR race that day!!)

So far we have about 50 items for the silent auction.  Here are some of the items that we have:

*handmade denim rag quilt

*handmade throw quilt

*photo session and package

*round of golf

*Adventureland tickets

*Iowa Speedway tickets

*Sheree J. Wilson autographed photos

*Chuck Norris autographed photo

*auto detail

*bean bag toss game boards

*wildlife prints

*drawing of Christ with a cross and butterfly

*many themed baskets

*much, much more!!!!!

Many people have asked us when we get Dotty.  We will get her in October when we go to Colorado for two weeks of intensive training.  We don’t have the dates yet, but it’s only about 3 1/2 months away!!  Toby asked me today if there was a pool a the hotel that we would be staying at!

We got word that Dotty has entered her final training!!  She’s been with her new trainer now for a few weeks and things are going well for her!  Thank you to the Ross Family for being her guardian family before she entered her final stage of training before she comes to live with us!  It was great to be able to connect with them.  We’ve talked with them about how hard it must be to take a dog and love it so much and spend so much time with it, just to have to give it up.  I know that’s something our family probably would not be able to do, and it takes a special family to be able to do that.  It was hard to give her up I’m sure, but they truly know they are a part of something so much bigger!!  And you know what is really cool???  They have another dog already that they are being guardians for!!  So thank you from our family for the part you played in changing our lives.  And the family who will get your new dog will thank you just as much!!

Thanks for all the donations, time and prayers that you have given us!  We appreciate them all!

Katie, Troy, Toby and Tyler

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We’re Coming Along!

I have a lot to update you on!!  My computer decided to die two weeks ago, and I lost everything.  Luckily I had backed up all my letters and hard work that I’ve done for this fundraiser…lesson learned!!  So, during that time that I was without, we have had some wonderful things happen for us!!

I mentioned that we will have a benefit supper and silent auction on Saturday, June 25th at our church (St. Paul’s in Waverly for those of you that are local).  I’m really happy with the items that have been donated for the silent auction.  Today I made a few phone calls around town, and I got donations from eight more businesses!!  How can you not LOVE small town Iowa!!  People who don’t even know you are willing to help!

I got an update today on where we are for our money…just a few weeks ago we were at one third of our way to the $20,000 we need to raise.  With some very generous donations that have come in during in the last week, we’ve increased that amount by a chunk.  Now, I don’t want to count my eggs before they’ve hatched, but I’m going to do a little figuring for you.  Our church is working on getting some matching funds for us for our benefit the end of the month.  If you take what we currently have, plus the matching funds, that will put us at just shy of half way there!!!  And by just shy, I mean, there are plenty of pop cans in the ditches of Iowa to pick up, that I could easily make up that difference!!!  So, for all of you local folks, I’m counting on you to come and have some great food and check out our great items for the silent auction so we can get those matching funds.

I’ll work on a more complete list of items for the silent auction and get those posted on here for you in the next week or so. (Nothing like doing some window shopping ahead of time!!)

From the bottom of our hearts, that you to everyone who has donated money, time, and auction items.  We couldn’t have come this far without each and every one of you!  I hope you know that you are helping to change the lives of two little boys who are very grateful for what you have done!

Thank you!!


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Planning Something Big

I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated everyone.  I’m really sorry about that.  Things have been busy with Easter a few weeks ago, Mother’s Day, and the end of the school year is right around the corner.  We have been planning our big fundraising event too!!  Mark your calendar for June 25th!  We will be having a dinner, silent auction and bakesale at our church.  For those of you who are curious what you might be able to get on the silent auction, I’ll update on here as we get more items donated.  Maybe I can even get some pictures as well, but I don’t want to make any promises!!

So far we have:  Adventureland tickets, Iowa Speedway tickets, handmade jewelry, Mary Kay, Tupperware, art work, denim rag quilt, quilted tote, bean bag board game and tickets to the Big Four Fair!

We have a lot of things in the works as well, so expect to see the list GROW!!!!

Hey, we also had something cool happen.  One of the radio stations offered to do a public service announcement for us, so tune in to 98.5, 97.7 or 92.3!  If you don’t live near us, listen on their website!!!

Thanks again to everyone for their help and generousity!  We’re down to about five months before we get Dotty!!!!

Katie, Troy, Toby and Tyler

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Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve updated everyone. I’ve been busy connecting with some of the families who are a part of the Angel Service Dog family. Technology is amazing!! I just got off the phone with a family five states away!! They were sharing with me some of the successful fund-raising ideas that they had. They leave to go and get their dog in 17 days!! I asked her how many hours – I don’t want days now!! Their family also has an autistic child, just like ours, so that was really neat to talk with them.

I’m starting to get ideas together for a dinner and silent auction. I’ve got some great leads on items to auction off, so when the time comes and if you live in the area, you might want to check them out!!

Again we’ve been blessed and pleasantly surprised by the people who have approached us with questions as well as wanting to make donations for Dotty. You truly have no idea how humbling an experience this has been, and we are only getting started.

We leave in October, so we have until then to raise our money. Sorry, I’m not to the point of counting days yet, but when that time comes, you can bet that I will let you know!!! For now, five and a half months is what we are looking at!!

Thank you everyone!


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